Curug Ciharus, berdarmawisata Alam di Leles Garut

Curug Ciharus – Air terjun yang satu ini dipandang doang dengan nama Curug Dano, berlandaskan berpendidikan di Desa Dano, Kecamatan Leles, Kabupaten Garut. komunitas terkaan menumpang air berpangkal curug ini bagai pengaritan untuk huma sayur. Ya, disekitarnya lambat banget lahan yang digarap komune serupa lahan pertanian.jika anda melawat c

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19th Century

Fruits have a lot of overall health positive aspects that help stop overall health complications like heat stroke, high blood pressure, cancer , heart disorders, and diabetes They properly fight skin issues and market wholesome hair growth. Not only are these watery veggies low in calories, but they are also high in fiber. Be aware that drinking

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